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16 Young Street
South Berwick, ME, 03908
United States

(917) 501-7754

Handmade porcelain, prints and other artworks by Laura Cromwell.



I have been playing drums for 20 years, so I thought I'd include a little taste of some of my more recent musical work. For detailed information like tour dates, recordings, photos, etc, please visit

The Dot Wiggin Band
"Banana Bike"

Here's a fun video by Preston Spurlock for a band I play drums for, The Dot Wiggin Band. Dot Wiggin was the writer, singer and guitar player for The Shaggs, a truly legendary outsider sister act, and she made a new album last year that I was extremely privileged to play on! This song is called "Banana Bike", and is about Dot's sister, Helen.


Queen Moonracer

And now for something completely different....This is a track from my band Queen Moonracer, from the unreleased album "the Secret Life of Plants". A bit of free jazz for the festival crowd.
